Threat Reduction Network on Rickettsial Pathogens

The threat reduction network on Rickettsia pathogens (TRN-RP) is a disease surveillance Threat Reduction Network (TRN) to mitigate the threat of rickettsial pathogens of security concern in Southeast Asia.

This network aims to identify and connect interdisciplinary expertise, convening an agile group to adapt to a wide spectrum of arising challenges and threats. The TRN-RP has set up an online platform which can be viewed at, it is an open-access data platform. The objective of the online platform is to be a key communication pathway of the rickettsia research network and for reporting cases of rickettsial diseases including disseminating information on rickettsial diseases to multi-disciplinary researchers, health implementers, health policy makers, and general public.

If you would like to contribute the information on the total number of Laboratory-confirmed rickettsia disease cases & deaths/year or what all clinical support your institution can provide, you can contact us via email at .

Report of TRN-RP Meetings

  • 6-8 March 2018, Singapore
  • The Rickettsial Pathogens Research Coordination Network (RP-RCN) met during the week of 6-8 March 2018 in Singapore to map strategic priorities for a research-based network in Southeast Asia. This meeting served as a follow-up to an information exchange in Baltimore, Maryland in November 2017, concurrent to the 69th Annual American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting, where the group-chartered research objectives.
    The meeting in Singapore sought to:
    • Define focus area objectives, challenges and needs, and outreach plans; and
    • Build strategy maps to identify, prioritize, and address rickettsia research gaps and needs; and
    • Discuss processes to collect and collate data on rickettsia pathogens in SEA
    • Discuss short- and long-term schedule of activities and projects
  • 8-9 August 2018, Vientiane, Lao(PDR)
  • On August 8-9, 2018, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Cooperative Biological Engagement Program sponsored a “Focus Area Working Group Meeting” for its Threat Reduction Network on Rickettsial Pathogens (TRN-RP) in Vientiane, Lao (PDR). The Working Group participants, objectives, and agenda for the TRN-RP meeting were established at the conclusion of a broader TRN strategic session in March at the Orchid Hotel in Singapore. [...]
  • 7 November 2019, Chiang Rai, Thailand
  • On November 7, 2019, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Biological Threat Reduction Program, sponsored a meeting of the Threat Reduction Network on Rickettsial Pathogens (TRN-RP) in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The meeting followed the Second Asia-Pacific Rickettsia Conference (APRC2), hosted by the Mahidol-Oxford Medical Research Unit (MORU). The meeting’s goals were to provide progress reports on work being conducted by the TRN-RP Working Groups, hear updates from MORU on development of the TRN-RP database, and welcome new members into the group. The meeting’s objectives and agenda were developed during a TRN-RP Working Group meeting in August 2018. [...]